Summary for Policymakers

The Summary for Policymakers of the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report was approved and accepted by the IPCC Panel on 27 September 2013. The version that was released on that date was subject to copy edit and final layout.

The finalised version of the Summary for Policymakers is available to download below. In this final, copy-edited version of the Summary for Policymakers, errors that were discovered by the authors of the report after its approval and acceptance by the IPCC have been corrected.

The errata to the 27 September version of the Summary for Policymakers were approved by the IPCC Executive Committee as delegated by the Panel and can be found at the link below.



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Press / Media Contact

IPCC Working Group I
Technical Support Unit
Falkenplatz 16
3012 Bern

Phone: +41 31 631 5616
Email: [email protected]