IPCC Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report, Bern
Location: Bern, Switzerland
Date: 3 November 2021
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report continues the series of comprehensive summaries of current knowledge on climate change. The assessment reports document the observed and projected change of climate, its causes and impacts as well as possible strategies of mitigation and adaptation to global warming. They build a standard for everybody engaged with climate change in research, government, industry, or policy. The new Synthesis Report combines the content of the three Working Group reports I (the physical science basis), II (impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation) and III (mitigation of climate change) into an integral perspective and emphasizes cross-cutting issues.
This event provides an insight into the Synthesis Report, presenting the elements connecting the issues accross the three Working Group reports. This allows a new view on the results of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. The Chair of IPCC, the Co-Chairs of Working Group I and Lead Authors involved in preparing the Synthesis Report will present the most important findings. Target audience of this event are stakeholders from government, economy and policy as well as researchers, representatives of the media and the interested public.
For further information please see event flyer.
Speeches and Presentations:
Prof Thomas Stocker, Co-Chair, IPCC WGI
Welcome and Introduction pdf
Prof Martin Täuber, Rector, University of Bern, Switzerland
Contribution of the University of Bern to 'One of the Greatest Challenges of Our Time' mp4
HE Doris Leuthard, Minister for the Environment, Transportation, Energy and Communication, Switzerland
Keynote Welcome Address mp4
Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chair, IPCC
Major Findings of the Synthesis Report of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report mp4, pdf
Prof Qin Dahe, Co-Chair, IPCC WGI
The Challenge of Climate Change in China mp4, pdf
Prof Jochem Marotzke, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany
Observed Changes and their Causes mp4, pdf
Prof Petra Tschakert, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Future Climate Changes, Risks and Impacts mp4, pdf
Dr Leon Clarke, Joint Global Change Research Institute, USA
Integrated Assessment and Climate Policy mp4, pdf
Prof John Broome, University of Oxford, UK
Decision Making and Ethics in Confronting Climate Change mp4, pdf
Prof Thomas Stocker, Co-Chair, IPCC WGI
Looking Beyond AR5: The Future of IPCC mp4, pdf
Dr José Romero, Federal Office for the Environment and Swiss Focal Point for the IPCC, Switzerland
Closing Remarks mp4